High blood pressure is a commonplace condition wherein the continual force of the blood against your artery walls is elevated such that it may at some point lead to health issues, such as thickening of the arteries or heart attack.

The World Health Organization estimates that 600 million people with high blood pressure will eventually be at risk of stroke, heart attack, and cardiac failure. A number of the main root causes of high blood pressure are stress and unhealthy diet.

Therapies for hypertension consist of medications such as alpha-agonists and angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs). These prescribed medications are in many cases effective, but are pretty frequently associated with by undesirable side effects. That’s caused some people to opt for more natural, non-prescription, treatments — including supplements made from the brahmi plant.

What Is Brahmi?

Brahmi is part of the family Scrophulariaceae. Brahmi is a small, succulent (stems adapted to store water ), glabrous (smooth), prostrate (branches growing above ground), perennial (regrows on a yearly basis) herb. Brahmi is also called Bacopa or Herpestis monniera, and in India — the location brahmi is native to — it is regionally named Jalanimba or brahmi. The term brahmi is derived from the word Brahma, which pertains to the mythical God of creation in Hindu mythology.

As part of Ayurveda, the age-old medical methodology of India, brahmi was a primary medicinal plant for almost 2500 years. Ayurvedic followers have used brahmi extensively for its a wide range of therapeutic attributes to address various health ailments such as respiratory ailments, inflammation, brain health, and high blood sugar. While brahmi might be most well known for its nootropic (cognitive-enhancing) attributes, this herb additionally has the potential to decrease blood pressure.

field of brahmi plants

How Brahmi Functions to Decrease Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is determined both by the quantity of blood the heart pumps and the degree of impedance to the blood flow in the arteries. The more blood your heart pumps and the narrower your arteries, the higher the blood pressure. A person’s blood pressure reading has two numbers.

The systolic pressure gauges the pressure in the body’s arteries at the time your heart beats. Your diastolic pressure assesses the pressure in your arteries between beats. Bacopa has been shown to have the capability to bring down both systolic and diastolic blood pressures.

Brahmi Regulates Stress and Anxiety

A body creates a flood of hormones when you’re in a nerve-racking circumstance. These kinds of hormones briefly increase your blood pressure by triggering your heart to beat more rapidly and your blood vessels to narrow. Reacting to stress in unhealthy ways can certainly raise your possibility of stokes and heart attacks.

Brahmi may be helpful in dealing with anxiety as a result of its anxiolytic (anxiety-reducing) characteristic. Bacopa will decrease the signs and symptoms of anxiety and mental fatigue and at the same time improving memory span. Bacopa monnieri may also prevent neuroinflammation (inflammation of the nervous tissue) which contributes to causing anxiety

In Ayurveda medicine, there are found three qualities of one’s mind: The first is inertia, a second characteristic is agitation and the remaining characteristic consists of balance, clarity and calmness. Brahmi is considered in Ayurvedic practice to bring about that third quality of calmness and clarity in the mind. Two 12-week studies verify this traditional wisdom by showing that consuming 300 mg of brahmi every day substantially dropped anxiety levels.

Bacopa monnieri is considered an adaptogenic herb, meaning it helps increase your ability to fight off strain and stress on your mind and body. In the practice of herbal medicine an adaptogen is a natural product believed to help your body adjust and adapt to stress and to put forth a normalizing effect on bodily processes. Modern research has found that brahmi can improve your mood by decreasing your cortisol levels. Cortisol is the hormone that causes stress, so lowering your cortisol can help to reduce the level of stress you go through.

Brahmi Strengthens and Dilates Blood Vessels

In Ayurvedic medicine this herb is believed to provide a number of blood-health qualities, including:

  • Promotes the toxin removal from blood vessels for their routine functioning
  • Supports the easy motion of blood through the blood vessels for healthy blood circulation, which subsequently sustains a strong heart, lungs, and kidneys
  • Encourages relaxation of blood vessels and arteries for proper blood flow
  • Supports cardiac health by rejuvenating the heart muscles and managing balanced blood flow

In one animal study, Bacopa reduced both diastolic and systolic blood pressure levels. Bacopa monnieri did this by releasing nitric oxide, which helps to dilate blood vessels, leading to increased blood flow and lower blood pressure. Bacopa activates the nitric oxide release, which relaxes blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. Bacopa supplements dissolved blood clots in a cell study, which could help diminish high blood clotting that can obstruct arteries.

Bacopa also positively influences the circulatory system, helping to cleanse the blood, reinforce blood vessels resulting in enhanced blood flow around the body reducing blood pressure.

Taking Brahmi Supplements

Bacopa monnieri can be bought online and from health food stores. Extracts are’s available in a number of forms, including capsules, tablets, and powders.

Brahmi Dosages

Based on Ayurvedic specialists, it is safe to use up to 6 grams of Bacopa powder every day together with meals. A conventional retail available routine is to take oral capsules of 250 milligrams each of Bacopa powder. Doses are usually taken after meals, although it is acceptable to consume Bacopa between meals. Bacopa extracts have been given in medical trials at doses from 150 mg to 3000 mg per day, with some studies carrying on for as long as 5 months.

Brahmi Side Effects

Brahmi is generally well-tolerated by the majority of individuals. However, because Bacopa will reduce blood pressure, a person having low blood pressure and a decreased rate of heartbeat could feel some dizziness or headache after consuming brahmi. Because of this it is suggested that these individuals avoid using brahmi. The most frequently mentioned side effects of brahmi include queasiness or indigestion.

There is no enough information regarding this herb’s safe consumption during pregnancy and breastfeeding, so it’s best to avoid taking Bacopa or to consult with your physician if you want to take Bacopa during pregnancy or when nursing.